Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The One Where We Find Them

A few days ago the girls were asking if I thought Santa would send elves again this year. I told them I was wondering the same thing. It was a surprise when we found a letter from Santa in my email that night.

Dear Madison, Morgan and Sage,

I am very concerned I have not seen Turner, Smitty or Freddy for the last 2 days. I am (sic) first thought that they were just playing but now I think they may have run away. They have talked so fondly of you that I fear they may have tried to head to Armstrong to see you. PLEASE PLEASE let me know if they show up there. They took some magic snow and are probably sprinkling themselves each day. I really love those kids so please keep an eye out for them.

love you all,


They were ecstatic and wanted to start searching for them right away.I convinced them that we had a few days because the journey from the North Pole would be a long one. This morning we were walking to school and under a layer of snow we discovered the elves had arrived. They went to school overjoyed and excited with the anticipation of what the elves would do on their first night in our house!

Let the fun begin!!!
